Monday, March 23, 2009

Well Hello Mr. Pen tool!!

Well here are some more updated version of the layouts from below with another I've been working on. I still am working on adding the little details to them, Just trying to get the overall look and feel to them. The first two are most likely changing to match the very bottom one in relationship with the way I am going to be laying in more graphic shadowing instead of the gradients. Let. Me know what you think :) and as always thanks for stopping by!!


Tim Haney said...

Hey these look great!!! i love the attention of detail on the stove in the top image. Also i really like the perspective on the bottom image.

Carrie Liao said...

very niiiice. I like the subtle textures...though the plants look a little like green lollipops...

Jadyn Ngo said...

It is nice to see you developing different styles. Lovely work!

Some So Cal Hockey